Laboratory Outsourcing and Scientific Sourcing Center

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Recent Gaskets and Seals Laboratory Requests

Contract Laboratory has received the following Laboratory Requests which need to be fulfilled! These Laboratory Requests are received from a variety of sources ranging from start-up companies to large, multinational Fortune 500 corporations, international organizations, well-respected universities and government agencies that are actively seeking Labs to perform their Laboratory and Scientific Research. If you need a Laboratory, please Submit a Laboratory Request. If you need assistance or have questions contact us. Please log in to see more.

Contract laboratory needed to analyze the coating material of a washer sample whose sliding layer is of coated cloth.
We want to know what the coating material is and what's ...

Environmental Laboratory needed for methylene diphenyl diisocyanate MDI emission testing according to one of the following DFG, NIOSH, HSE, and IFA test met...

India Commercial Laboratory needed for ASTM Testing via spectroscopy of O-RIngs to ASTM E1086:22 Standard Test Method for Analysis of Austenitic Stainless S...

Contract Laboratory needed for testing gasket material to meet USA Navy Standards.

We are working on a SBIR proposal to the Navy to ...

Europe Contract Laboratory needed for rubber gasket testing for gaskets used for pipe lines in Drinking water and waste water.

Physical Laboratory needed for Bellows Durability Testing. I have a document for required testing and methods. Email me if you have any questions. The Bellows need to be in an...

Food Manufacturer needs USA Laboratory with the capability to perform analysis on Gasket from Sterilizer, such as Density, hardness, tensile strength, elonga...

Mechanical Laboratory neededfor CSA testing of rubber (CR) gasket as per CSA B602 Mechanical couplings for drain, waste, and vent pipe and sewer pipe

Industrial Laboratory needed to determine material type of a gasket using FTIR Analysis

Polymer Laboratory needed for the following PVC flexible gasket tests:

*Coefficient of Friction Testing of each one,
*amount CaCo contain in each one

Automotive company needs Materials Laboratory needed for photo evidence and materials analysis including elasticity testing to identify the difference betwee...

We produce Warm edge Spacer for IG units.
Our Butyl rubber spacer is a high performance system. Our product is applied in a single step using heat and minimal compression. S...

Industrial Laboratory needed for metallic value pressure testing to BS EN 12266-1:2012, P11(Annex A.3) and P12 (Annex A.4), Industrial valves. Testing of metallic valves. Pres...

Mechanical Laboratory needed for SAE testing of gasket to SAE J2659 (Test Method to Measure Fluid Permeation of Polymeric Materials By Speciation).

Metallurgical laboratory needed for failure investigation of a failed metal plug stem that is a part of a Control Valve. It broke during operations, and we would like to have...

Automotive parts manufacturers needs laboratory for accelerated againg of test oil sa including GC-MS headspace and GC-MS direct injection (after dilution by dichloromethane) ...

ISO mechanical automotive laboratory needed for IEC 17067 and SAE J 1401 tests of hydraulic brake hoses

Automotive laboratory needed for SAE testing of refrigerant hose assemblies to SAE J2064 standard (Refrigerant Automotive Air-Conditioned Hose)

Automotive parts company needs physical materials laboratory for ASTM flammability testing to ASTM D6668 - 01(2016) Standard Test Method for Discrimination Between Flammabilit...

Automotive laboratory needed for DOT mechanical testing of air brake hose to DOT FMVSS 106

Manufacturer of rubber parts needs materials laboratory for UL certification testing for a gasket.

Asia materials laboratory needed for ASTM Testing to ASTM C509:Standard Specification for Elastomeric Cellular Preformed Gasket and Sealing Material

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If your Laboratory or Lab Supplier is interested in quoting or finding out more about the above Laboratory Requests or the many others that we have, e-mail us or view more Laboratory Requests