Contract Laboratory News Media

The Laboratory Outsourcing and Procurement Network

Press Room

Contract Laboratory knows how important science and technology is on a global level. It impacts everyone's lives each day. Therefore, gaining access to quality scientific resources in a short time frame can be crucial. As a Worldwide Leader in Laboratory Outsourcing and Scientific Sourcing, Contract Laboratory makes many resources available to the media.

In particular, Contract Laboratory has worked with many media organizations such as TV Stations, Radio Stations, Magazines, and Newspapers to outsource laboratories to perform "expose television reports", buyer comparision studies on products, and safety testing on consumer products and public buildings. Additionally, we have located laboratories willing to allow filming for tv shows and hard to locate laboratory instruments for rent for commercials and small movie productions. Within very short time frames, we have also located scientists to provide interviews or background information or news reports such as how toys are tested for lead.

To arrange an interview, statement, or to request a speaker, please contact our Media Relations Department at 1-855-377-6821 or email us.

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