Laboratory Outsourcing and Scientific Sourcing Center

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Recent Biotechnology Laboratory Requests

Contract Laboratory has received the following Laboratory Requests which need to be fulfilled! These Laboratory Requests are received from a variety of sources ranging from start-up companies to large, multinational Fortune 500 corporations, international organizations, well-respected universities and government agencies that are actively seeking Labs to perform their Laboratory and Scientific Research. If you need a Laboratory, please Submit a Laboratory Request. If you need assistance or have questions contact us online or call toll free 1-855-377-6821. Please log in to see more.

Contract molecular biology laboratory capable of RT-PCR testing; positive samples to undergo Genomic Sequencing and dPCR Water testing for one of our ongoing...

Analytical research lab needed for testing the potency of Tirzepatide research peptide.

USA Independent analytical (pharma) research facility needed to validate a blood bioassay with Tizepatide as the drug.

USA Contract FDA laboratory needed as a new reference for either genetic testing or wellness testing (with things like hormones). We will need sam...

USA Contract biotechnology laboratory needed for testing four algae samples per the ASTM standards for research purposes.

USA/California Third-party analytical research lab needed for performing certificate of analysis (CoA) testing on Tirzepatide.
Product in hand. Loo...

Space suitable for testing labs available to lease.
- Location: Main Delhi - Rohtak Road, Hisar (Haryana)
- Area: 300 sqft
- Dimensions: 9 ft x 33 ft
- Features: Fully fu...

CLIA molecular biology research facility needed for Pharmacogenomics (PGX) testing and whole genome sequencing for insurance company clients.

Third-party analytical research lab needed for testing the quality of a tirzepatide product.
Can you also test to see if the peptide chain is properly assem...

GLP contract laboratory needed for performing Freedom from Virulent Mycobacteria (FVM) and Guinea pig-skin test for a strain of recombinant BCG we developed ...

Contract analytical research laboratory needed for quantitative and qualitative testing of 20-hydroxyecdysone sample from a vendor.
Would you be able to do...

Food Company needs Food Laboratory for protein digestibility and amino acid composition testing.

Contract research laboratory needed for testing a paper board product sample for the presence of Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE) and Bovine Spo...

Pharmaceutical Company needs Pharmaceutical Laboratory on the West Coast to conduct USP 797 (Potency, Sterility, Endotoxin) release testin...

Hungary, Germany, or Austria ISO 17025 Laboratory needed to perform Quality Control QC testing of a six ready-to-use culture media according to QC certificat...

CLIA-accredited (CAP or COLA- accreditation is preferred) high-complexity clinical lab needed to run around 1,000 tests per mont...

Contract laboratory needed to provide a quote on testing SS-31 peptide purity.
I want to see if it is ss-31, its potency, and if there?s contamination.

UK GLP preclinical laboratory needed for in vitro comparison of the hemostatic capability of two formulations (30 samples).

UK biotechnology lab needed to measure volatile fatty acids (VFA) of over 90 digested synthetic human excreta sludge samples.
May I know what is the budget per sample, the a...

Singapore only -- Food-grade pilot chromatography unit needed on rent for protein purification studies.

USA Contract Laboratory needed to perform protein labeling protocol (2x100 micrograms biotinylation kit) on two proteins and validate tag success.
Urgent timeline. Pl...

Bioanalytical Laboratory needed for MALDI-TOF spectrometry of two organic samples. Our objective is to investigate the aggregation of the compounds to determine if supramolecu...

Biotechnology Company needs USA Contract Analytical Laboratory for identification of unknown chemical that has appeared on one of their diagnostic test produc...

Large Pharmaceutical Company needs Analytical Chemistry Laboratory for testing freezing point of 3 lots of aqueous materials by DSC (ASTM m...

Pharma analytical research laboratory needed for USP Monographs testing for raw materials per the GMP standards.

Third-party analytical chemistry laboratory needed for Tirzepatide and Peptide purity testing for certificate of analysis (CoA).

LATAM/Latin America region independent laboratories needed for testing a few key chemicals using titration followed by the FCC/USP method....

Leading cell and gene therapy material manufacturer is looking to outsource the following lab tests for plasmids and proteins:
- Activity by UPLC
- Activit...

Delhi, India analytical chemistry lab needed for FTIR analysis of two plant samples and provide result with structure interpretation.

Contract Research Organization CRO needed for development of noninvasive test for endometriosis using gene expression analysis of menstrual blood samples.

India third-party analytical chemistry lab needed to carry out structural elucidation of two plant samples using FTIR to meet the ASTM test standards

Third-party chemical testing laboratory needed to determine the physical and chemical properties of plant extract-based mosquito coils in terms of strength of repellency, long...

New practitioner's office needs a New York-based clinical laboratory for testing patient samples.
Must provide pick-up services.

Contract laboratory needed to perform beta-hydroxybutyrate testing on a Vitros instrument per the FDA standards
Is this something you would have access to and if so, how much...

USA analytical chemistry laboratory needed to determine the salt content of four oligonucleotide samples after HPLC purification per the FDA standards

Genetics Laboratory needed to analyze RNA-DNA oligos to be for purity by CE-Capillary Electrophoresis. Please provide the TAT and cost?

Independent laboratory needed for testing research peptides. We want do blind testing and if your tests can determine the exact MG of the products.
We would like to know the ...

Contract analytical chemistry laboratory needed for:
1. Thin layer chromatography-bioautography of plant product
2. Immunoaffinity chromatography

Contract Laboratory needed for plant NTA for particle concentrations and Western Blot analysis for TET3, CD81, CD 63, and CD9.

Two sets of samples will be provided. One ...

Canada-based independent laboratory needed to process microtainer, blood spot, urine, and saliva samples that are collected from patients at home without a physician's requisi...

USA Third-party laboratory needed to perform N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDAR) expression in the prefrontal cortex, nucleus accumbens, and the striatum in eight rats.
Brain tissue...

Genetics laboratory needed to perform DNA testing on an Icelandic horse that has not been registered. Parentage is believed to be from Canada.

Bioanalytical Laboratory needed for one cell line-based experiment to check the adherence of bacterial cells in Caco-2 cell line

Biotech company needs USA-based FDA analytical chemistry laboratory to perform method validation for 10-20 samples of residual organic solvents, such as Methanol and bis(2-met...

Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry Laboratory needed that is capable of performing a bismuth content assay per the USP monograph on bismuth subsalicylate, copied below:


Cell Biology Laboratory needed for testing Platelet Rich Plasma for a PRP 510(k) filing to include:
- P-selectin expression on platelets (on resting and ADP activated platel...

FDA GMP Analytical laboratory needed to run three sucrose-fatty acid ester samples on GC-FPD (Gas chromatography flame photometric detection) per the USP Food Chemical...

Pharmaceutical laboratory or facility needed for in-vitro research study on the activity of antidepressants for future research work on the role of harmaline for antidepressa...

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