Laboratory Outsourcing and Scientific Sourcing Center

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Recent Pharmaceuticals and Biopharmaceuticals Laboratory Requests

Contract Laboratory has received the following Laboratory Requests which need to be fulfilled! These Laboratory Requests are received from a variety of sources ranging from start-up companies to large, multinational Fortune 500 corporations, international organizations, well-respected universities and government agencies that are actively seeking Labs to perform their Laboratory and Scientific Research. If you need a Laboratory, please Submit a Laboratory Request. If you need assistance or have questions contact us online or call toll free 1-855-377-6821. Please log in to see more.

Analytical Laboratory needed for testing reaction buffer for DNase, RNase, osmolality.

FDA cGMP Pharmaceutical Laboratory needed for particle size testing of Buprenorphine Base (C-III) substance using Sympatech Helios, ROdos, Vibri Instrument. The laboratory mus...

Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry Laboratory needed that performs hydroxyl number testing using a wet method that is similar to the USP method hydroxyl number method for pol...

Commercial Laboratory needed for ICH-GCP Clinical Trial Testing of Trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) analysis in 160 samples of serum and 160 samples of urine. Please provide cost...

Large Corporation needs Pharmaceutical Microbiology Laboratory needed for USP Testing to USP <51> Antimicrobial Effectiveness Testing
and USP <51> Suitability Testing

Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry Laboratory needed for CaCo3 masterbatch testing

Pharmaceutical Laboratory needed for USP <1225> and USP <1226> validation and USP Particle Analysis of injections to USP <787> Subvisible Particulate Matter in Therapeutic Pr...

Large Medical Device Company needed Toxicology Laboratory for Tumorigenesis Study according to Stem cell guidelines 2017 India and as per schedule Y or any other relevant guid...

Large Generics Pharmaceutical Company needs Pharmaceutical Laboratory for API and Finished Formulation testing.

Clinical Laboratory needed that is capable of analyzing all 20 Amino Acids and some metabolites for human clinical studies.

Pharmaceutical company needs Laboratory to perform ASTM condom compatibility testing of a drug product according to ASTM D7661-10 Standard Test Method for Determining Compati...

Pharmaceutical Laboratory needed for assay of total sennosides per USP method for raw material and finished product tablets.

Bioanalytical Laboratory needed for the performance of the 3 bioassays detailed in the FDA Draft Guidance for Sucralfate released in October of 2017.

LONG-TERM TESTING Europe FDA Pharmaceutical Laboratory needed to provide X-Ray Diffraction Analysis XRD analysis of pharmaceuticals

Biochemistry Laboratory needed for USP residual solvent testing of a lipid powder formulation as per USP <467>

Bioanalytical Laboratory needed for Antibody testing for human parasitical infection with Sparganosis (Spirometra) by ELISA

Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry Laboratory needed for osmolality testing for finished drug product in ampoules

Large Healthcare Company needs Pharmaceuticals Laboratory for SMEPAC/Surrogate powder test as part of performance testing of equipment. using lactose monohydrate as surrogate ...

Pharmaceutical company needs bioanalytical laboratory for complete amino acid testing

Pharmaceutical Laboratory needed for USP Oxytocin testing as per the USP Monograph,

Genetics Laboratory needed to test the effect of apoptosis on T cell's gene expression by western blot or ELISA.

Packaging Laboratory needed to perform testing to 16 CFR part 1700, Poison Prevention Packaging. Perform Test Protocol according to Canada Consumer Chemicals and Containers ...

Preclinical Bioanalytical Laboratory needed for anti-viral drug testing for assessment of a human mAb for its capacity to prevent infection of human cells by a human polyoma v...

FDA GMP Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry Laboratory needed for specific surface area testing of mainly drug substances

Pharmaceutical Company needs packaging laboratory for container closure integrity for container.packing : 10/20 L glass bottle Volume: 1-16L

LONG-TERM TESTING Pharmaceutical Analytical Laboratory needed for ICH preservative assay for preservative(s)/active(s) on on stability samples, storage of stability samples f...

Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry Laboratory needed for USP analysis on Oxytocin.

Pharmaceutical Laboratory needed for full analysis of varicella vaccine.

LONG-TERM TESTING Pharmaceutical Microbiological Testing Laboratory needed for the USP Preservative Effectiveness Testing , Suitability test, and regular microbial testing (US...

Male Enhancement Company needs Analytical Chemistry Laboratory for identification testing of PDE5 inhibitors, i.e. Viagra or Cialis or sulphosidenafil, or taldenafil

Pharmaceutical Contract Research Organization needs clinical laboratory for rAD5 viral shedding in sputum, urine, swabs.

LONG-TERM TESTING Pharmaceutical company needs Analytical Chemistry Laboratory for accurate and precise measurement of Calcitriol content in almond oil

LONG-TERM TESTING Dietary Supplement Analytical Chemistry Laboratory needed for purity testing of growth hormones

ostarine (mk-2866)
ibutamoren (mk-677)
cardarine (gw-50...

ISO,FDA,GMP Bioanalytical Laboratory needed for 130 Sirolimus, Tacrolimus and Cyclosprine assays value assignment tests for Abbott Architect analyzer.

FDA GMP Pharmaceutical laboratory needed for FDA compliant drug-drug interaction and leachable studies between 3 components of a new drug. All individual components have been ...

Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry Laboratory needed for stability study testing on Silicone Dioxide (SIO2)

Bioanalytical Laboratory needed for complete analysis of varicella vaccine.

Pharma needs Microbiology Laboratory for quality control QC microbiology analysis.

Bioanalytical Laboratory needed for assay of select inflammatory biomarkers to confirm the presence of inflammatory cytokines: CXCL1, TNF alpha and IL1b in murine corneal tiss...

FDA GLP Preclinical Toxicology Laboratory needed for in vivo and in vitro peptide toxicity and pharmacokinetic studies on neuroscience small peptide

Clinical Trial Laboratory needed for human plasma analysis for Topotecan, or Brimonidine, or Celecoxib, or Melphalan Hydrochloride, Dexamethasone Phosphate.

Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry Laboratory needed for USP trace metal testing on powdered ammonium chloride to verify compliance with USP 232 (elemental limits) utilizin...

Pharmaceutical company needs a laboratory capable of identification testing on a couple of petrochemical products such as mineral oil and petrolatum via maybe GC-FID. Our pur...

Bioanalytical Laboratory needed for dose response tests and coagulation assays to determine if there are anti-coagulation properties in 10-20 small molecule viral inhibitors c...

Pharmaceutical Company needs Laboratory for structural characterization of metal oxide by Pxrd, CHSNO analysis, FTIR, purity & impurities

Analytical Chemistry Laboratory needed for pheromone concentration testing of 18 pheromones in (human) pheromone compounds:
1 alpha-androstenol
2 androstadienol
3 androsta...

Analytical Chemistry Laboratory needed for testing to detect low concentration of Sodium Hypochlorite (0.04% -0.06%) in Hydrogel topical cream .

US Pharmaceutical Laboratory needed for drug compatibility test for compounded medications.

Interested in or want to see more Laboratory Requests?

If your Laboratory or Lab Supplier is interested in quoting or finding out more about the above Laboratory Requests or the many others that we have, call us at 1-855-377-6821, e-mail us or view more Laboratory Requests