Laboratory Test Request

FDA Junipers Analysis

Project Description

Experienced FDA GMP Food Analytical Chemistry Laboratory needed for comprehensive chemical analysis of 3 different junipers (Common Juniper, Alligator/Checkerbark Juniper, and Redberry Juniper) for the FDA. We would want to look at the juniper berries macerated in 190 proof neutral grain spirit

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please answer the following questions. Is this something that you would be able to do in the process of performing chemical analysis? And do you have a list of the compounds you test for? And have you done any previous work of this nature before for the FDA? And what is your turn-around time?

Project Information


Industry:Wine, Beer, and Liquor

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Plant Seeds,Seed,Environment,Alcoholic Beverages,Beverages,Flavors and Flavorings,Food,Food Additives,Food Ingredients,Nuts and Seeds,Wine, Beer, and Liquor,

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