Industrial Materials Laboratory Testing Requests

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Recent Industrial Materials Laboratory Testing Requests

Below are some examples of the most recent incoming Industrial Materials Laboratory Testing Requests that we have received from companies, governments and organizations looking for Industrial Materials laboratories and scientific research facilities to perform their Industrial Materials Testing, Scientific Research, Analysis, Assay, Product Development, Certifications, Inspections. Does your company need a laboratory for lab testing or science research projects? Save time and money searching! Use our Lab Assistant to find contract test laboratories or contract research facilities. Submit Lab Testing Request



We need European standard EN 6072 testing for aerospace Metallic Materials: Constant amplitude fatigue testing for Shot Peening proce...

Need to determine the maximum film temperature at which thermal degradation (cracking) begins in Triethylene glycol (TEG). 

Contract laboratory needed for SAE ARP1536A abrasion test for chafe guard. Can you help with this standard testing?

Thank you in advance and have a nice day.

Contract laboratory needed for permeability testing of refractory insulation material made from a blend of alumina and silica. The relevant standard is ASTM-C577 (Standard Tes...


Industrial chemicals manufacturer needs Chemical Oxygen Demand COD testing on two cleaning products. US EPA Method 1320 has been suggested but altern...

Chemicals laboratory needed for boiling point analysis on hexane (two samples).

A US-based lab is needed for testing of a material that looks like sand that was found in some equipment, we don't know what the material is but we have some material to compa...


MALAYSIA Raw materials biochemistry laboratory needed for chick edema factor testing for fatty acids (oleochemical product) as per the US FDA 21 CFR 172.860 me...


ON Contract laboratory needed for failure analysis on stamped metal part with a split.



INDIA / GUJARAT Physical chemistry laboratory needed for testing soda ash slurry for the following:

- Solid Specific Gravity


Contract Laboratory needed for testing metal products for compliance to the following standards:
- Fatigu...

Contract laboratory needed for wind speed testing protective fabric connected to a chain link fence.

Contract laboratory needed for MSDS type reporting parameters to fulfill an indirect suppliers' requirements to supply material to a plant.

Please reach out to book ...

Electrical Laboratory needed for ASTM testing of polyester fiberglass material for dielectric breakdown per ASTM D3426 (Standard Test Method for Dielectric Breakdown V...


BUDGET APPROVED ($2,000-$5,000)

BRAZIL / EUA Mechanical Laboratory needed for SAE coupling integrity testing of AC hose crimping parts per SAE...



USA Aeronautical analytical laboratory needed for ASTM testing of cleanroom wipers for hydrocarbons and oils. We specifically need ASTM...

SUDAN / AFRICA Contract laboratory needed as raw material testing partner. 


CALIFORNIA Environmental laboratory needed for discharge water testing from industrial cutting equipment.

Lab preferred around Stanislaus County.



MALTA / EU Materials laboratory needed for glass cullet chemical composition analysis before End-of-Waste EOW criteria procedure.


EU Accredited industrial materials laboratory needed for polycarbonate sheet testing per Military SAE AMSP83310 standard (Plastic Sheet, Polycarbonate, Transpa...

Materials laboratory needed for ASTM testing for Solar Reflectance Index SRI per standard ASTM E1980 (Standard Practice for Calculating Solar Reflectance Index of Horizontal a...

UK glass testing laboratory needed to test a glass window designed for vessels on windfarms and issue a certificate.

Construction Materials Laboratory needed to determine the heavy metal (such as Mercury and Arsenic) limit in thermal insulation per regulations in different regions.
Thank yo...

Contract laboratory needed to conduct ANSI/ASME PVHO-1 (Safety Standard for Pressure Vessels for Human Occupancy) testing for hyperbaric chambers.
We require a document for ...

Material testing laboratory (UAE preferred) needed for solar reflectance index (SRI) testing of paving materials and stone cladding.

Third-party facility (India-based preferred) needed to perform heat transfer performance and pressure drop test on a fuel-cooled oil cooler used in heat exch...

Contract Laboratory needed for bulk and respirable crystalline silica testing done. Can you please provide a quote, TAT and sample size required for the tes...

EUROPE third-party laboratory needed for assessing Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) permeability through a membrane used in heat exchangers.

USA/NEW JERSEY Third-party analytical testing laboratory needed for testing several masterbatches (MB) for amide content.
Could you please confirm if you are able to ...

INDIA Third-party contract laboratory needed to perform noise reduction coefficient test on acoustic panels made of fiberboards.

Material testing laboratory needed for testing HDPE (High-Density Poly Ethylene) woven coated fabric for:
- CAN/ULC-S102 (Surface Burning Testing)

Contract laboratory needed for testing the following products per the ASME QME-1:2017 standard (Qualification of Active Mechanical Equipment Used i...

Contract laboratory needed for analyzing the composition of grains, filler materials, resins, fibers etc, using Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP), X-ray, or Energy-Dispersive ...

Contract laboratory needed (Indonesia preferred) for testing flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBCs) per Australian standards AS 3668 methods.
Our bag is designed for s...

Third-party facility needed for deformulating and manufacturing proprietary version of tapping and cutting fluid, similar to our competitor's product.
Is this a service you o...

Contract laboratory needed to run flammability tests for around four or five products, according to:
- Flammability of products subjected to direct impinge...

Contract laboratory needed to determine the thermal conductivity and the electrical resistance of a graphitic powder sample (I can send the sample to you).

SINGAPORE Third-party polymer testing facility needed for testing two samples of plastic material per the ASTM standards.
In compliance with ISO 799-1:2019(E) 4.5, the plasti...

Third-party chemical testing facility needed to test the mosquito repellency of four samples of linen fabric using microencapsulation per the ASTM standards.

Contract laboratory needed to run side-by-side comparison testing with three to five ship auger drill bits so we could see where ours stood in the competition.
We are looking...

Third-party laboratory with a Photoluminescence system needed to analyze oxygen-excess related defects in a few silica glass (SiO2) samples. These defects are usually denoted ...

Building and construction materials testing facility needed to verify if existing container samples comply with Singapore's Building and Construction Authority (BCA) requireme...

Contract Laboratory for Scaffold Safety Net testing:
AS/NZS 4389:2015 Roof safety mesh
AS/NZS 1891.1:2007 Industrial fall-arrest systems and

Large Industrial Company needs Contract Laboratory for stability testing for steel bearing components at specific times and temperatures. ...

Contract Laboratory needed for quality testing of Aluminosilicate and Borosilicate glass testing for level gauges as per the following list:
- ISO 720 Hyd...

Materials Laboratory needed for ASTM Thermal conductivity testing at 25 C and 25 psi as per ASTM C518 (Standard Test Method for Steady-State Thermal Transmi...

Contract Laboratory needed for FTIR (Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy) testing for surface emissivity at high temperature.

Materials Laboratory needed for impact breakings strength testing of a new tempered glass product compared to the traditional annealed version. Can y...

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