Below are some examples of the most recent incoming Explosives Laboratory Testing Requests that we have received from companies, governments and organizations looking for Explosives laboratories and scientific research facilities to perform their Explosives Testing, Scientific Research, Analysis, Assay, Product Development, Certifications, Inspections. Does your company need a laboratory for lab testing or science research projects? Save time and money searching! Use our Lab Assistant to find contract test laboratories or contract research facilities. Submit Lab Testing Request
Large Corporation needs Contract Laboratory for Explosion Severity Testing of powder.
Europe Laboratory needed for explosive materials testing.
Materials Laboratory needed for explosive ASTM Panel Testing with 1250 hours Xenon exposure according to standard specification ASTM D7869
Sample info. : panel size 300 x 10...
USA Contract Laboratory needed for NFPA Explosive Properties of dust for new material use in our manufacturing area evaluated DHA (appropriate and necessary ignition sensitivi...
COntract Laboratory needed for NATO STANAG 2897 Annex C testing of non-magnetic tools to be used in explosive ordnance disposal (EOD)
Blast Shop needs Third-Party Laboratory for testing Garnet suspected of being mixed with another cheaper product. Please provide pricing.
Third-Party Contract Laboratory needed with explosive atmosphere capabilities
Large Engineering Firm needs Independent Analytical Laboratory for Lecithin content testing to NPFC MIL-L-3061B LECITHIN (FOR USE IN EXPLOSIVES)
Large Mechanical Contracting Company needs Industrial Hygiene Laboratory for combustible dust analysis at a company's facility
Industrial Laboratory needed for propellant testing to industry standard qualifications and certifications including:
1. Thermal stability and JANNAF thermal stability test r...
Explosives Laboratory needed for confirming the conformity of the safety of gunpowder (HS Code VED 3601000000) to the requirements of TR TS 028/2012 Declaration of conformity ...
Explosives laboratory needed for certification testing for the detection of gunpowder to determine that it can be detected through wall set-up through wood and brick. Laborato...
Forensics Laboratory needed for ballistics testing for gunshot residue GSR test kit processing
Materials laboratory needed for ASTM explosives testing to ASTM E595, total mass loss and collected volatile condensable materials from outgassing in a vacuum environment t...
Explosives laboratory needed for ISO testing of protective clothing for abrasive blasting to ISO 14877
USA laboratory needed for Bergmann Junk NC Stability testing of Nitrocellulose as well as smokeless gunpowder
If your Laboratory or Lab Supplier is interested in quoting or finding out more about the above Laboratory Requests or the many others that we have, e-mail us or view more Laboratory Requests