Laboratory Business Requests

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Recent Environment Laboratory Business Requests

Below are some examples of the most recently received Environment Laboratory Business Requests from companies with business opportunities and needs such as laboratories for sale, lab space for rent, partnerships, distributorships, licensing, etc. To view more information on these or many others Log-In or Create Account

Company wishes to acquire or buy small or medium environmental testing laboratory in Eastern Europe specifically Czechoslovakia.

Large Corporation looking to acquire an International Company an ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HYGIENE Co, with also a Chemical lab, within Italy.

Company needs to rent Lab space in BSL-2 compliant laboratory in South Florida. We are starting a research project to isolate mycobacteria bacteriophages from environmental sa...

UK Company Expanding into USA looking to rent or purchase scientific laboratory space in Houston for purpose of petrochemicals analysis. A lab certified for testing gas chroma...

Company looking to purchase (or rent/lease) 5,000 sq ft Laboratory in the Atlanta metropolitan area that specializes in drinking water, environmental, pharmaceutical, cosmetic...

Analytical Laboratory for Sale with the following:

ICP-OES, axial, sub-ppb detection limits, low hours
FT-IR, specular reflectance, cells, etc
UV/visible, s...

Company wishes to purchase established analytical chemistry laboratory for food, water and environmental testing in Chennai, India.

Laboratory wants to acquire an Environmental, Oil or Food Testing lab in Southwest area like-FL, RX, NC, SC, LA, MN, AZ, AK etc

Company wishes to purchase a laboratory for environmental testing, specifically soil and water analysis for agriculture in Canada.

Analytical Laboratory wishes to purchase an USA environmental Laboratory and/or all of their equipment.

Established environmental laboratory in Brazil would like to acquire environmental laboratory in Minnesota area as well as acquiring used lab equipment.

Interested in or want to see more Laboratory Requests?

If your Laboratory or Lab Supplier is interested in quoting or finding out more about the above Laboratory Requests or the many others that we have, call us at 1-855-377-6821, e-mail us or view more Laboratory Requests