Laboratory Test Request

Weed Killer and Insecticide Efficacy Testing

Project Description

Third-Party Independent Laboratory needed for weed killer and insecticide Efficacy testing on Drosophilidae (fruit flies) and Psychodidae (Drain Flies) with a drain product that can also be put into a dish. A Choice Test seems to be the route we would like to take it in but we are open to other suggestions as well.

We are also interested in performing testing with a weed killer product. Specifically Kill to the root testing looking at damage to root systems and evaluation of the roots.

Looking forward to an opportunity with your team and discussing these projects more.

Project Information


Industry:Pesticides, Herbicides and Insecticides

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Agriculture,Pesticides, Herbicides and Insecticides,Weed and Moss Control,Environment,Weed Barriers,

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