Laboratory Test Request

Data Server Testing

Project Description

USA Electrical Laboratory needed for data server testing to determine their tolerance to disturbances in AC mains.
The test is mainly about feeding pre-programmed voltage and disturbances in the AC feed to the server and ensure proper operation of the server during the disturbances. Also we need to measure several parameter like power, current, voltage, pF, ITHD etc.
To do the tests, we will need minimum below listed equipment:
Oscilloscope - Bandwidth 1GH/2.5GHz, 4 Channel Qty 1
Voltage Probe (High Voltage)* - 400V Qty 2
Low Voltage Single ende probe** - 20V Qty 2
Current Probe (AC/DC) - 200A Qty 2
Programmable DC Electronic Load - 10-15V, 210A, 2100W Qty 1
Programmable AC source*** - 150 to 300V, 4kW, 40 -70 Hz Qty 1
AC Power Meter/Power Analyzer - Measurement capability: V,A,W,VA,VAR, Total Pf, ITHD Qty 2

Project Information


Industry:Information Technology (IT)

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Computers,Electronics,Information Technology (IT),

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