Laboratory Test Request

Cosmetic and Personal Care Products Consumer Testing

Project Description

Contract Laboratories needed testing cosmetic and personal care products. Please provide us with the details of your available services for:
- efficacy tests
- analytical tests (Finished products and raw materials)
- product Safety tests (Human Skin Compatibility Test, 48 hrs HRIPT (Human Repeat Insult Patch Test), etc.)
- claim substantiation (48 hrs deodorizing, etc.)
- in vivo and in vitro tests for cosmetic and personal care products

Kindly provide us with details of your test services pertaining to cosmetic and personal care & color cosmetic products along with methods/instruments used, prices, and turnaround time to conduct each test.

Project Information


Industry:Consumer Products

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Connected Consumer Products,Consumer Packaged Goods ( CPG ),Consumer Products,Cosmeceutical,Cosmetics,Facial Care,Perfumes, Fragrances, and Aromatics,Personal Care Products,Skin Care,

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