Laboratory Test Request

Semi-Truck Air Disc Brake Assemblies Static Fatigue Testing

Project Description

USA LABORATORY (Midwest Lab Preferred)
USA Automotive Laboratory needed for Static Fatigue testing for air disc brake assemblies used on semi trucks. The testing is performed on a test stand which cycles the disc brake to a specified load at the pads. For example a low load test would be performed at 140kN and a high load test would be performed up to 210kN of force on the pads. The brake is cycled in approximately 4 second intervals. The test is usually run to failure. A lower force test can run in excess of 1 million cycles. Data is collected throughout the test. We currently test these in house, but we are also looking for a vendor that can perform the same type of testing as an extension of our test lab. We perform tests on our current products as well as our prototype products.

Project Information


Industry:Automotive and Vehicles

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Automotive and Vehicles,Automotive Parts,Brakes,Transportation and Shipping,Trucks, Vans and Buses,

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