Apr 7, 2018
MNG is now launching the MNG Xpress? Actionable Epilepsy panel with a standard STAT turnaround time of < 2 weeks at no additional cost and with no additional requisition forms to fill out. Our Actionable Epilepsy panel is now always STAT. You know MNG as your source for Neurogenetic Answers? and we pride ourselves on delivering actionable results you can count on. For patients you suspect have an epilepsy phenotype and you are looking for genetic results that may have an actionable outcome, you need those results STAT. At 69 genes, our MNG Xpress? Actionable Epilepsy panel contains a targeted list of epilepsy and seizure related genes - those that are actionable via seizure medications, pharmacological interventions, and dietary changes. For a full list of the actionable genes and therapies in our MNG Xpress? Actionable Eilepsy panel click here. Our complete Epilepsy portfolio contains several flexible options to fit your patient's needs:
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