
Electrophoresis Product Requests

Contract Laboratory.com has received the following incoming Electrophoresis Requests which need to be fulfilled ! These Electrophoresis Requests are received from a variety of sources ranging from start-up companies to large, multinational corporations to government agencies actively seeking Electrophoresis. If your company receives laboratory product requests that it can not fulfill, please refer them to us! If your company can fulfill these product requests, please e-mail us or call 1-855-377-6821 .

Incoming Laboratory Electrophoresis Requests
Laboratory Electrophoresis Request Description
16-0009 Laboratory for sale that is in the development of Elisa kit development and manufacturing. The material is sufficient to manufacture and package 1500 ELISA kits. Major equipment, including but not limited to: ELx808 Absorbance Microplate Reader Class II biosafety cabinet Beckman Coulter Biomek Fx Beckman Coulter Biomek 2000 -86 C Vip series Sanyo Freezer Refrigerator (-20) freezers (count 2) Rockers vortexed mini centrifuge furnitures Computers (count 5) anal ( read more ).....Closed
14-00012 "Medical laboratory needs electrophoresis laboratory supplier of electrophoresis soft and hardware diagnostic reagents and medical laboratory instruments" ( read more ).....Closed
10-00008 family-run GCP conform GLP laboratory and the services we offer. Over a period of more than 19 years, we have built up and established a strong partnership with the pharmaceutical industry, specialising in bioanalytical research into pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Individuality and flexibility distinguish our laboratory from others. Personal contact and fast processing are our priority, which enable our customers to easily keep up with advancing developments. Performances: * ( read more ).....Closed
10-00041 Eastern European Laboatory needs chromatographic preparative system for separation of bioactive protiens including multiple separative methods (IE, affinity chromatography,metalloafinity chromatography, etc. and a tandem chromatography preparative system). That means an equipment with peristaltic pump, several kinds of preparative columns and a detector. We are looking for preparative and analytical PAGE electrophoresis as well. Can you send us a product catalog with a pricing or simmillar off ( read more ).....Closed