Lapuck Labs
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Lapuck Labs?
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Standards & Methodologies
Lapuck Labs has not posted any Methodologies at this time.
Qualifications, Certifications, Accreditations & Licenses
Lapuck Labs has not posted any Certifications, Accreditations or Licenses at this time.
Lab Gallery
Lapuck Labs has not posted any images.
Industries Served
- Agriculture
- Alternative Medicine
- Beverages
- Biotechnology
- Cleanrooms
- Clinical Research
- Dietary Supplements and Nutraceuticals
- Food and Beverage
- Pharmaceutical
Testing Types
- Analytical
- Analytical Chemistry
- Bacteria
- Biochemistry
- Biomedical
- Botany
- Clinical Diagnostic
- Clinical Trials
- Medicinal Chemistry
- Pharmacology
- Product Safety
Lapuck Labs has not posted any publications.
DISCLAIMER: This Laboratory Profile was provided by the company above.