Qmera Pharmaceuticals is a contract research organization providing services in analytical chemistry, bioanalytics, and drug discovery/development support for pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and other industries.
Qmera leverages our expertise in LC-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (LC-QTOF) and advanced separation techniques (2D-LC, online SPE, column switching) to quantify large and small molecules in biological matrices. Qmera's instrumentation advantage offers faster turn-around and more accurate results versus competing methods (LBA, TQMS).
Qmera's experts in separation sciences take a comprehensive approach to help customers solve complex problems in analytical method development, qualification, validation, and sample analysis.
Qmera's agile team leverages decades of pharmaceutical industry experience to streamline the product development process and decrease the cost of drug discovery. Clear communication, fast assay turnaround, and secure access to data and protocols via electronic laboratory notebook (ELN) create results you can trust.