Sep 11, 2016
Clark not only provides services to the steel industry, we came from the steel industry!
Employing about 25 professional and technical people? servicing over 800 customers. We have been supporting the steel industry since our initial organization in 1986. Our Lab, ISO Guide 17025 accredited, consists of four departments: Analytical Chemistry, Industrial Hygiene, Conditioning Monitoring Services (Reliability Maintenance), and Fuels and Lubricants. We gained our experience through the combination of laboratories from United States Steel Corporation, Gulf Oil Corporation, PennRun Corporation and the University of Pittsburgh's Applied Research Group.
Our testing capabilities include that of new/used oil, grease, and fuels? we analyze the chemical composition of steel and metal alloys, process solutions, raw materials, air (Industrial Hygiene) ? we perform specialty corrosion testing (NACE), failure analysis, and particle characterization testing.
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