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Cell Applications, Inc.

CAI Indicates the Upcoming Launch of Human iPSC-Derived Cardiomyocytes (i-HCm), Dec 2, 2016


CAI Indicates the Upcoming Launch of Human iPSC-Derived Cardiomyocytes (i-HCm), Dec 2, 2016

Within the first quarter of 2017, officials at Cell Applications, Inc. state they will officially introduce cardiac muscle cells derived from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. Fully functional cells have already been successfully made and tested, and the company will leverage this pre-launch period to engage in dialog with scientists to best understand their R&D needs and cell utilization patterns. These Human iPSC-Derived Cardiomyocytes, or i-HCm for short, mark another milestone in a string of previous and upcoming launches of iPSC and iPSC-derived cells made possible through company?s strong partnership with stem cell innovator StemoniX. As highly specialized, sensitive cells, cardiomyocytes contain contractile units called myofibrils. They also have large amounts of mitochondria, which produce energy in the form of ATP, making them highly resistant to fatigue. ?We?re focusing on the many key research applications for cardiomyocytes,? says Dr. Daniel Schroen, Vice President of Sales and Marketing. ?In vitro, they provide an excellent tool for electrophysiology, cell viability, microscopy and cardiac disease modeling. Others use them to assess the safety and toxicity of new drug candidates.? Adds Schroen, ?Cardiomyocyte screens can reduce the risk of late-stage trial failure, or help remove already-approved, but possibly still dangerous drugs.?

The process starts with dermal fibroblasts (skin cells), which are re-programmed (induced) back into a primitive (pluripotent) state, yielding cells that can differentiate into distinct lineages, among them cardiomyocytes. High numbers of i-HCm are generated using the robust StemoniX manufacturing protocol. Their chemically-defined culture conditions are serum-free, feeder-free, integration-free and do not purify the cells through genetic selection, reducing the risk of genotoxic stress due to molecular manipulation. ?The joining of human iPSC generation and differentiation technologies, together with automated manufacturing, means cardiomyocytes can now be produced at an affordable, virtually unlimited scale, for even the largest research and screening projects.?

Importantly, these i-HCm preparations include other relevant cell types present in the human heart, thereby increasing physiologic relevance, cell maturity, health and function, and more closely reflecting cell populations in a healthy heart. ?Humans aren?t walking around with hearts made of 100% cardiomyocytes, and neither do our i-HCm preparations reflect such an artificial composition.? Instead, the vials contain at least 40% i-HCm, as well as other naturally occurring cardiac cells, namely fibroblasts, endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells. The normal cellular composition and cell-cell interactions may help reduce experimental artifacts, false positives or negatives that could result from preparations enriched only for cardiomyocytes. The i-HCm are derived from the iPSC of a single human donor, express typical cardiomyocyte markers, and demonstrate strong post-thaw viability and plating efficiency. As expected, after plating at the recommended density, the cells spontaneously beat in a synchronized fashion. ?Recently, we even bio-printed a small, beating heart tissue organoid made from iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes.?

To begin the conversation and engage with technical experts, contact Cell Applications.

Press & Media Relations Daniel Schroen, PhD VP, Sales & Marketing (858) 453-0848

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