Laboratory Outsourcing and Scientific Sourcing Center

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Recent Forestry and Trees Laboratory Requests

Contract Laboratory has received the following Laboratory Requests which need to be fulfilled! These Laboratory Requests are received from a variety of sources ranging from start-up companies to large, multinational Fortune 500 corporations, international organizations, well-respected universities and government agencies that are actively seeking Labs to perform their Laboratory and Scientific Research. If you need a Laboratory, please Submit a Laboratory Request. If you need assistance or have questions contact us online or call toll free 1-855-377-6821. Please log in to see more.

Contract Laboratory needed to test for herbicides contaminants used on bushes & trees illegally.

Environmental Chemistry Laboratory needed for arsenic testing in Irish Moss (Chondrus Crispus)

Contract Laboratory needed for blue mallee eucalyptus plant testing for quality. What is the process and cost involved? Willing to have pa...

Environmental Laboratory needed for olive tree grove with xylella-associated infections testing for Metabolite profiling.

Contract Laboratory needed for testing of lumber produce for their:
- Average density
- Bending parallel to grain
- Tension...

Sri Lanka Analytical Laboratory needed for GC-MS analysis report for an Agarwood sample.

Africa Environmental Laboratory needed for SAP constituents components testing including its analytical and chemical characteristics by EDX and FTIR analysis

Orchard needs Contract Laboratory for pine tree needles nutrient analysis tesing

North America Environmental Chemistry Laboratory needed for potency testing of BT used to spray Forest for the Spruce Budworm.

USA Environmental Microbiology Laboratory needed for cleaning/sanitization effectiveness testing of empty styrofoam containers normally used t...

Apple Orchard needs Environmental Laboratory for evaluation of apple leaves that have brown spots and fruit is spotted. Showed up shorty after adjoining field was sprayed wit...

City Government needs USA Environmental Chemistry Laboratory for herbicides testing in tree cores.
I need to have samples from the trees that I need tested for certain herb...

Contract Laboratory needed for Circular Dichroism spectrometry of plant-sourced sample  Thanksregards

Large Corporation needs USA Laboratory for total nitrogen (TKN) and metals by ICP. testing in wood products. Do you do these methods?

Materials Laboratory needed for conducting the following American Petroleum Institute API tests on 2 elastomeric samples according to API 6A ED. 21Specificatio...

Biotech Company needs Experienced Pulp Research and Development Laboratory to assist in the development of a an extra...

Environmental Laboratory needed for plant testing for pesticides after spray disaster in a high end landscaped garden with a contractor. Please provide cost.

Environmental Analytical Chemistry Laboratory needed to determine content of active fungicide ingredient UNICONAZOLE-p by any international analytical test method in formulat...

Contract Laboratory needed for cortisone testing in "honey" from frankincense tree.

Organization needs EUrope Environmental Laboratory for Research Study of the analysis of olive tree leaves to determine deficiencies.

LEGAL Arborist needs Environmental Laboratory to identify pesticide residues to determine cause of plant toxicity. Test results maybe used in court legal case.

Environmental Laboratory needed for environmental assessment to evaluate the impacts of a herbicide on soils and/or surface/groundwater.

Environmental Laboratory needed for testing and certification of mulch, particularly playground mulch for schools and parks.

LONG-TERM TESTING EPA Environmental Laboratory needed for EPA Sea Water testing for chemical oxygen demand (COD) according to EPA Test Method 410.3 Chemical Oxygen
Demand ...

RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT University Researcher needs Environmental Genetics Laboratory for DNA analysis to determine the sex of Araucaria araucana. Since you can't tell the se...

Environmental Laboratory needed for agriculture evaluation testing of soil conditioner in soil & coir for fruit & vegetable yields, water retention, root & plant size growth r...

Walnut Orchard company needs laboratory to identify tree disease.

Interested in or want to see more Laboratory Requests?

If your Laboratory or Lab Supplier is interested in quoting or finding out more about the above Laboratory Requests or the many others that we have, call us at 1-855-377-6821, e-mail us or view more Laboratory Requests