Laboratory Outsourcing and Scientific Sourcing Center

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Recent Dietary Supplements and Nutraceuticals Laboratory Requests

Contract Laboratory has received the following Laboratory Requests which need to be fulfilled! These Laboratory Requests are received from a variety of sources ranging from start-up companies to large, multinational Fortune 500 corporations, international organizations, well-respected universities and government agencies that are actively seeking Labs to perform their Laboratory and Scientific Research. If you need a Laboratory, please Submit a Laboratory Request. If you need assistance or have questions contact us online or call toll free 1-855-377-6821. Please log in to see more.

Third-party Contract Laboratory needed to analyze agriculture intermediates used in animal feed: L-Lysine, DL-Methionine, L-Threonine, L-Tryptophan, and L-Valine products.

Pakistan-based contract testing laboratory needed to test the quality of a large batch of Shilajit.

Third-party food testing laboratory needed to test Shilajit resin samples per the FDA standards to sell outside India.

Italy GLP contract laboratory needed to conduct finished liquid testing for a medicinal product with active ingredients, propan-2-ol (isopropyl alcohol or IPA) and Chlorhexidi...

India Dietary Supplement Laboratory needed for testing two to four samples of Ashwagandha tablets and Moringa tablets for the presence of Titanium Dioxide per EU regulations

Dietary Supplements Laboratory needed for testing of powdered natural herbs to help with various ailments.

Third-party laboratory needed for deformulation for a product composed of multiple extracts from traditional Chinese herbs, specifically a mixture of powders from at least six...

FDA GMP Food testing laboratory needed for Certificate of Analysis (COA) testing of Ashwagandha dietary supplement gummy product per the FDA standards.
Our Ashwagandha gummie...

Third-party testing laboratory needed for running Certificate of Analysis COA testing on shilajit samples.

USA Contract laboratory needed for AOAC Vitamin D3 testing using a specific AOAC 2016.05 method at a rush timeline.
Can you answer the following questions:
What is the aver...

Microbiology laboratory needed to formulate multiple strains of probiotics.

Contract laboratory needed to analyze food digestates and cell culture supernatants for their iron content using flame atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) unless you have an...

Independent dietary supplement laboratory or contract manufacturer needed to manufacture and to perform certification testing of natural supplements.

We thank you in advanc...

Analytical Chemistry Laboratory needed to analyze the contents of a shilajit sample. Mainly fulvic acid content percentage and elemental impurities like lead, mercury, and zin...

Food testing lab needed to analyze some nutritional aspects (i.e., lipid and protein) of tuna dried muscle tissue samples If so, could you provide me a quote on costs associat...

USA-based testing facility needed to analyze creatine monohydrate gummies for creatine content.
If creatine content passes, then I would also like for toxic metals/food saf...

Pharma analytical chemical laboratory needed for testing Tirzepatide powdered sample.

GMP or non-GMP Natural health and herbal products manufacturing and testing facility that can further process and test purified Voacanga extract (17% voacangine content) into ...

Molecular biology or biotechnology lab needed to run Western blots to identify the following milk proteins on powder samples made from microorganism:
- Beta casein
- Alpha S...

FDA GMP laboratory needed to carry out quantitative testing for different types of collagen. (Type I, Type II, Type III, and Type IV) in a 50-500 grams sample.

Contract Laboratory needed to test the content of shilajit and provide a certificate.

Contract Laboratory needed for saffron testing for FDA Compliance.
We are suppliers of saffron in Spain. Should there be any entity capable of conducting the sampling and tes...

GMP Pharmaceutical Laboratory needed for analyzing a product in tablet form to submit to the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in Australia. Product nee...

Dietary Supplements Laboratory needed for water content testing by Coulometer for dietary supplements samples.

Pakistan Dietary Supplement Laboratory needed for Lab testing and Certifications to match International Standards of several products

Dietary Supplement Laboratory needed for certificate of analysis COA Testing for a gym supplement

Southern California Laboratory needed for full and in depth chemical and physical analysis of multiple peptide compounds in their raw powd...

Reputable USA FDA GMP Dietary Supplement Laboratory needed for Research and Development and Testing Services. The laboratory should offer...

USA Contract Laboratory needed for analytical services for GC-MS analysis of plant extracts. I?m requesting a quote for 10 samples already extracted and prepared in GC-vials....

USA Independent Third-Party Laboratory needed for testing on a wide range of Dietary Supplement products including but not limited to: PAC...

Contract Laboratory needed for reproducing test method for Inulin Powder to recheck specifications . Do you offer this service? If, you do Can we know the cost?
Method: Chrom...

USA Contract Laboratory needed for purity and verification testing of 2 vendor research peptides tb-500 and cjc-1295.

Contract Laboratory needed for fulvic acid, heavy metals and microbiological testing of Shilajit resin.
HEAVY METALS TEST (Lead, Arsenic, Cad...

Contract Laboratory needed for certificate of analysis COA testing of Shilajit resin. Can you provide the price and time and what analysis will be displayed/tested on the cert...

Importer needs USA Dietary Supplement Laboratory for FDA testing Shilajit in order for selling in USA.

Dietary Supplement Laboratory needed for liposomal vitamin C testing to ensure that liposomal encapsulation is being carried out effectively.

USA Dietary SUpplement Laboratory needed for dietary supplement ingredient testing of 3 ingredients in a finished dietary supplement formula: 1- retinyl pal...

Microbiology Laboratory needed for Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) and Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSE) testing in...

USA Dietary Supplement Laboratory needed to perform nutritional tests for products including testing for Vitamins tests: A; B1; B6; ...

Dietary Supplements Laboratory needed for testing on a natural superfood gummy supplement product. I need to run COA tests. Do you mind co...

Dietary Supplements Laboratory needed for testing a supplement product. I'd like to know the amounts of all ingredients and to find out what is in the myster...

Contract Laboratory needed for testing homeopathic products for a certificate of authenticity.

USA LABORATORY (Florida preferred)
Dietary Supplement Laboratory needed for testing and pricing for amazon weight loss adulterants testing for

1. Weight ...

USA Dietary Supplements Laboratory needed for testing Methyl Eugenol by GCMS in nutraceutical products.

Dietary Supplement Laboratory needed for testing to confirm dietary supplement claims of non-toxic, non-sensitizing, biodegradable/environmentally friendly.

India Laboratory needed for testing the following raw materials for dietary supplements:
Vitamin C,Protein,AloeVera,Turme...

India analytical chemistry laboratory developing functional food out of fruit pomace waste needs laboratory stability study and for HPLC and LCMS analysis of dietary fiber obt...

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If your Laboratory or Lab Supplier is interested in quoting or finding out more about the above Laboratory Requests or the many others that we have, call us at 1-855-377-6821, e-mail us or view more Laboratory Requests