Laboratory Test Request

Energy Power Consumption Studies on New Energy Efficiency Devices

Project Description

START-UP New Energy Efficiency Company needs Electrical Laboratory to run studies to show Effective Power Consumption (kWh) of electrical equipment with and without device usage. The goal of the device is to help reduce electricity costs by eliminating losses associated with the transfer of power from the power source to the end user device.

1. We need to test and verify how much the effective power consumption (kWh) of an electrical equipment decreases by when device is installed.
- When the power factor of a load (with starting PF of 0.6/0.7/0.8/0.9) is raised to 0.95 after devices is installed.
2. We need to measure the extent to which the harmonics are stabilized, and if/how this affects the overall reduction of power consumption.
3. We need to figure out how much reactive power is reduced for each device that is installed.

We want to work with lab engineers to determine what is the best way to accomplish these tasks and explore other testing objectives to fully determine the effectiveness of the performance of our product.

Project Information


Industry:Power and Energy

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Electronics,Clean Technology,Green Building,Green Technology,Alternative Energy,Power and Energy,Renewable Energy,Solar Energy and Solar Power,

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