Conjugated Estrogen API Testing - UHPLC Mass Spec Method
Project Description
Independent pharmaceutical research laboratory needed for API testing of conjugated estrogen raw material per the USP FDA draft guidance.
An ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography(UHPLC) high-resolution mass spectrometer consisting of an ultra-high performance binary pump, vacuum degasser, autosampler, a thermostatted column compartment, an electrospray source, and high-resolution mass spectrometer.
In order to distinguish between a monoisotopic mass of one species and the A+2 isotopic peak of another species, 2 m/z units below, a mass spectrometer with resolving power of 50,000 or more is preferred.
UHPLC conditions: Details can be furbished (Gradient program)
Mass Spectrometry (MS) Conditions: Details can be furbished
Project Information
Industry:Pharmaceutical - Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API)