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Laboratory Description:

The Toxicology Research Laboratory has significant 20-year experience in preclinical safety and efficacy assessment programs. These include acute, subchronic, and chronic toxicity studies; reproductive and developmental toxicity studies; neurobehavioral toxicity studies; and pharmacokinetics, metabolism, and disposition studies. Expertise in neuropharmacology, cardiovascular and safety pharmacology testing is also available on-site.

The Toxicology Research Laboratory is fully computerized, and uses the LABCAT online data collection system for the capture of in-life, clinical pathology, organ weight, and histopathological data. This data collection system includes built-in statistical programs, which allows for immediate analysis of data (ANOVA, Dunnett's Test, Duncan's Multiple Range Procedure, Regression Analysis, etc). Additional statistical programs such as BMDP, SPSS, SAS, etc., are available in-house and utilized by our biostatisticians in the analysis of complex data sets.

Support services necessary for the conduct of safety assessment programs are available on site. These include a comprehensive, fully equipped analytical chemistry laboratory, veterinary pathology services, a boardcertified veterinary opthalmologist, a pharmacokineticist, and several biostatisticians. A consulting board-certified veterinary cardiologist is also available.

TRL's genomic and proteomic research is supported by the UIC Genomic core facility and Protein Research Laboratory. TRL is located in the middle of the "Illinois Medical District", surrounded by four major hospitals. This gives TRL a unique opportunity to continue preclinical safety studies in clinical trials.

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