Bioassay GmbH - A Reaction Biology Company
Interested in working with
Bioassay GmbH - A Reaction Biology Company?
Bioanalytical contract research services to support your pipeline from discovery to approved product release testing.
We specialize in the development and validation of robust bioassays to evaluate potency and bioactivity of your compound.
Bioassay, a Reaction Biology Corporation, offers GMP potency assays and functional bioassays, both in vitro and in vivo, as well as GLP compliant services. Through our sister company PSL, Peptide Synthesis Services, we can also provide peptide-specific antibody production and neoantigen synthesis.
We are a trusted provider of development, validation and routine bioanalytical assays for global players and biotech companies in the pharmaceutical, chemical and cosmetic industries. We develop and perform GMP potency assays for a wide variety of drugs and biologics, including proteins, monoclonal antibodies, vaccines and gene therapies.
Our team of experts works with clients to select the most appropriate assay format and design a robust, QC-friendly and sensitive method. We follow GMP and ICH guidelines to validate potency assays, and offer routine GMP potency QC testing to support upscaling and manufacturing validation processes, as well as batch release and stability testing to monitor product potency over time.
Standards & Methodologies
Bioassay GmbH - A Reaction Biology Company has not posted any Methodologies at this time.
Qualifications, Certifications, Accreditations & Licenses
GMP certified since 2002
GLP certified since 2008
FDA approved since 2012
Potency testing for veterinary pharmaceuticals under veterinary Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) license according to Art. 88 of Regulation (EU) 2019/6
Lab Gallery
Bioassay GmbH - A Reaction Biology Company has not posted any images.
Industries Served
- Agriculture
- Agrochemicals or Agrichemicals
- Animal Health
- Antibodies
- Antivirals
- Beauty Care
- Bioactives
- Biopharmaceuticals
- Biosimiliars
- Biotechnology
- Cell Lines and Cell Cultures
- Clinical Research
- Cosmeceutical
- Cosmetics
- Drug Delivery Systems
- Endocrines and Hormones
- Healthcare and Medical
- Immunotherapy and Immunotherapeutics
- Medical - Oncology
- Nanotechnology
- Personalized Medicine
- Pesticides, Herbicides and Insecticides
- Pharmaceutical
- Pharmaceutical - Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API)
- Pharmaceuticals - Large Molecules
- Plant-Based Proteins
- Vaccines
Testing Types
- Accelerated Stress
- Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient API
- Acute Contact
- Acute Oral toxicity - Acute Toxic Class Method
- Acute Oral Toxicity - Fixed Dose Procedure
- Acute Oral Toxicity: Up-and-Down Procedure
- Acute Toxicity
- Acute Toxicity - Single Dose
- ADA, anti-drug antibody inhibiting drug effectiveness
- ADCC, antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity bioassays
- Analytical
- Anti-Drug Antibodies (ADAs)
- Anti-Tumoral Action
- anti-viral efficacy
- Antibody Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity (ADCC)
- Antibody Humanization
- Antibody-Dependent Cell-Mediated Cytotoxicity (ADCC)
- Antigenicity Assays
- Antihistone Antibody
- Assay Development
- Assay Development
- Autoimmune antibodies
- Balb/c 3T3 neutral red uptake assay
- BG1Luc Estrogen Receptor Transactivation Test Method for Identifying Estrogen Receptor Agonists and Antagonists
- Bioassay
- Biological Activity
- Bioluminescence Enzyme Assay
- Biopotency
- Biosimilar Comparability Study
- Biotherapeutic Characterization
- Cancer Multiplex Assays
- Cell-based Assay
- Cell-Based Neutralization Assays
- Chromatography
- Complement Dependent Cytotoxicity (CDC)
- Coronavirus
- Drug Development
- Drug Discovery
- Drug localization bioassays
- Drug phosphorylation bioassays
- Drug Target Pathway Bioassays
- Enzymatic Assays
- Eye Irritation
- Flow Cytometry
- Flow cytometry multiplex cytokine assays
- Flow cytometry reporter bioassays
- Fluorescence Assays
- Functional Assays
- HEK 293 Cell Line
- High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
- High performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS)
- Immune Cell Activity Assays
- Immune Checkpoint Assay
- Immunoassays
- Immunofluorescence
- In Vitro Bioactivity Assay
- In vitro skin sensitization
- In-Vitro
- In-vivo
- Multiplex Assays
- Neutralisation Assays
- Neutralization Assay
- Neutralizing Antibodies (NAbs)
- Neutralizing antibody bioassays
- Ocular Irritation
- Oral Toxicity
- Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
- Potency
- Potency Verification
- Protein Expression
- Receptor Binding
- Receptor Binding and Activation
- Receptor Mediated Response Assay
- Receptor-Ligand Interaction studies
- siRNA Interference Assay
- Skin Irritation
Bioassay GmbH - A Reaction Biology Company has not posted any publications.
DISCLAIMER: This Laboratory Profile was provided by the company above.