Laboratory Description:

BIONEEDS - Renowned as a leading preclinical CRO, Bioneeds holds the esteemed reputation of being a GLP-certified and USFDA-audited site. Our expertise covers a wide spectrum of services for Small molecules (NCEs), Generics, Cosmetics, Medical devices, Vaccines, Biologics, Herbals, Nutraceuticals, Agro & Industrial chemicals. For over 16 years, we've been steadfast in our commitment to delivering top-notch quality services, enabling submission of over 23,500+ GLP studies to regulatory authorities globally.


CONTACT: Samuel - Sr. Manager - BD
Email : 
Mobile : +91-8951360680

OECD GLP Certificate by National GLP Compliance Monitoring Authority (NGCMA), Dept. of Science and Technology, Government of India
ISO 17025 Accreditation (NABL) for Biological, Chemical & Medical device Testing
CCSEA Registered - Committee for Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals (CCSEA)
DTL Drug Testing License
Drug Testing License (DTL) for tests on Drugs / Cosmetics & Raw Materials used in  manufacturing for marketing permission
AAALAC Accredited - Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC)
OLAW Approved
Approved by Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW), Public Health Service, NIH, Dept. of Health & Human Services, Maryland, USA.

Bioneeds Preclinical Services includes:

  • General Toxicity
  • Inhalation Toxicity
  • Reproduction & Development Toxicity
  • Genetic Toxicity
  • Immunotoxicity
  • DMPK
  • Pharmacology
  • Biological Assays ? in vitro/in vivo
  • Analytical & Bioanalytical
  • Physico Chemical Testing, Chemical / Drug Characterization
  • Ecotoxicity

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